Beach Cities and South Bay Homes and Real Estate

Factors That Affect What You Pay for Homeowner Insurance

On average, Americans pay more than $1,800 a year for homeowner’s insurance, but rates can vary widely depending on details such as your location and risk level. Here are some of the most common factors that can impact what you’ll pay to insure your home.

Tips for Preventing Homeowner Identity Fraud

Anyone can be a victim of homeowner identity fraud, including wire, mortgage, and title insurance fraud. The financial implications can be damaging and long-lasting. Use these tips to protect yourself from being scammed and defrauded. Wire fraud Wire fraud usually happens during the closing phase of a home purchase. Homebuyers are typically busy with their […]

Have You Considered an Induction Cooktop?

Induction cooktops are a modern and efficient way to cook. They work by using electromagnetism to generate heat directly in the cookware, rather than heating the cooktop surface as with traditional gas or electric stoves. This makes induction cooktops both fast and energy-efficient, as well as safer to use. One of the biggest advantages of […]

What Is Proposition 19?

Nothing strikes fear and confusion into the hearts of California homeowners more than real estate taxes – and nothing is more confusing than the myriad of propositions and rules that govern property tax rates and portability. Now we have a new law that makes new changes to property taxes for certain residents – but what […]

Are You Pool-Safe Ready for Summer?

Pool Safe

If there is one constant about living in Southern California, it’s the presence of swimming pools in the yards of so many homes. On a hot summer day, does anything look more inviting than a dip in cool water? With summer being just around the corner, it’s time to get safe pool-savvy, and prepare for […]

7 Ways to Make A Space Feel Larger

Space Feel Larger

Need to create the sensation of more space in a home without knocking down a wall? Give these tips a try! Focus On The Vertical – You want to draw the eye upward to create the appearance of more space. Use tall furniture (bookshelves are a good choice), vertical shiplap or wallpaper with vertical stripes – […]

How to Prepare Financially for a Natural Disaster

Emergencies and disasters can happen at any time – are you prepared? Here are some action items you can take to prepare: Emergency Fund: Put money in a special savings account as an Emergency Fund to cover food, medicine, and lodging. Ideally it should provide for at least 1-2 week’s worth of expenses of at […]

Tips for Low Stress Living 

Let’s face it, the last few years haven’t exactly been low-stress. Our home should be one of the places we can retreat to and reduce the amount of stress we experience in our daily lives. Now with work and school happening at home, instead of in the office and in the classroom, along with boxes […]

Garage Essentials – Tips for Making Your Garage More Usable

Today’s larger homes have multi-car garages and lots of space for DIY’ing and gardening equipment. I’ve gathered a list of some of the more essential tools to consider for your garage space Tired of finding someone dragged their dirty or muddy shoes into the house? Or dripping wet closes leaving a puddle in your kitchen? These fantastic […]