Beach Cities and South Bay Homes and Real Estate

If there is one constant about living in Southern California, it’s the presence of swimming pools in the yards of so many homes. On a hot summer day, does anything look more inviting than a dip in cool water?

With summer being just around the corner, it’s time to get safe pool-savvy, and prepare for a safe summer swimming season.

Here are some tips:

First, the basics – what every pool should have:

  1. An enclosure that separates the pool from the home
  2. Removable mesh fencing, plus a self-latching and self-closing gate that will fit a keyed padlock
  3. A safety cover
  4. Alarms on any door from the home that lead to the pool which you can set to detect anyone leaving the house to access the pool area
  5. A floating or motion-sensitive alarm in the pool that will detect someone entering the water without authorization or supervision

Drowning affects everyone – children, teens and adults. While drowning is the number one cause of accidental injury or death in children under 5, adults 50 and older are 50% of the total reported accidental drownings

Did you know California’s Pool Safety Act of 2018 requires that every new permit for a pool or spa, or the remodeling of a pool or spa, include at least two of the safety features from the list above.

One of the best ways to prevent accidental drowning is to make sure every adult and child in the home knows how to swim, and the adults should know CPR.

Always supervise the pool when in use, especially when there is a party or large gathering. Designate a responsible adult to watch the pool, and make sure all children are accounted for throughout the event.

Never mix medications, alcohol and swimming, and most importantly – never swim alone no matter how advanced your swimming ability.

Just a few simple measures can ensure a safe, enjoyable summer pool season for everyone!